By private invitation only;

This webpage does not constitute a PUBLIC offering nor is this venue intended for consumption by the General-Public, Statutory Public Officers, BAR Members, Military Officers, or Commercial Merchants. This website is not on any public search engines nor is it publicly advertised anywhere in the ‘world-system’. Therefore, if you have not been privately referred here from an existing Member and have found this private lawful digital venue in error, please exit now, otherwise, allow us to walk you through a quick who, what, why, where the introduction of our elegantly designed Cooperative Society.

A Cooperative Society Is An Autonomous Invitation-Only Association Of Real People In Their Original Sovereign State United Privately To Meet Common Goals As ‘A Part Of’: An Autocratic Body Which Allows An Exclusive Jurisdiction Away From Corporate Assumptions & Admiralty Presumptions.

As A Foundational Private Entity That Is Absent Of Maritime Jurisdictional Presumptions, We Believe That Cooperative Societies Are The Next Stage Of Man’s Social Evolution That Will Edge Out The ‘World Beast System’. Since The Dawn Of Small Tribes, We Have Always Cooperated Together In Order To Survive Despite Competition And Conflict, But Now, With The Advent Of Global Communication Technology, We Have A Larger And Wider Power To Come Together To Synergize Our Peaceful And Private Missions. By Pooling Together Our Knowledge, Experiences, And Resources In The Spirit Of Self And Mutual Help – We Believe That This Equitable Model Has Not Only Stood The Test Of Time But Will Stand The Test Of Time For Us Right Now.

What Are we?

We are a private Cooperative Society formed by real solvent men and real solvent women. We are an organizational advancement further to the original Member-based organization that has since evolved from the original founding Member agreement. The People’s Cooperative Society of Equity holds within it a contractual ‘container’ if you will – which is a Security Agreement, titled: “The People’s Treasury Trust” which was and is instituted for all of it’s contributing Members of interest.

There are active Trustees participating within the Cooperative Society that can teach you how to start building your own proverbial Castle on a common-law foundation that can protect your wealth and assets from wrong-doers.

Research published by the ‘Worldwatch Institute’ found that in 2012 approximately one billion people in 96 countries are taking steps to aggregate and protect their wealth in at least one type of Cooperative. As of 2018, the turnover of the world’s largest three hundred cooperatives reached $2.2 trillion with only 6% comprised of the banking and financial services sector.

Typically, the intent and purpose a Cooperative Society operates by are for:

1  Private voluntary Member subscription;

2  Democratic consensus;

3  Autocratic autonomy for an independent jurisdiction;

4  Promoting positive economic outcomes;

5  Promoting natural education for long term planning

6  Fair Trade treaties among other private Cooperative Societies.

Who Are We?

The People’s Cooperative Society of Equity is a private not for public profit organization that was bourne of the trusting hearts, trusting minds and trusting spirits of real solvent men and real solvent women of their private exclusive capacities to whom have come together on the land in ‘now-time’ recognizing one another through plain-sight recognition on that day of ratification.

Take notice that we are real men and real women that know who we are and what our relationships are – and are not, such as: we know we are not Corporate CITIZENS masquerading as LEGAL RESIDENTS. Our brilliant and generous Members have been known to walk on the soil in bare feet in the native land areas known as Australia, Canada, the United States of America and Jamaica. We are diverse and comprise many walks of life with many substantial skills, expertise and knowledge in many areas such as, but not limited to the commercial areas known as: [ ‘Banking’, ‘Trust law’, ‘Probate Law’, ‘Equity’, ‘Commerce’, ‘Estate Law’, ‘Finance’, ‘Tax Law’, ‘Information Architecture’, ‘Data Security’, ‘Accounting’, ‘Book-Keeping’, ‘Public Common Law Court Procedure’, and ‘Corporate Administration’ ].

Who does this Society fit the best?

The Men and Women that this Society best fits are those that wish to take full control of their life, their property, and their decisions in their life.

Why a Cooperative Society?

Are you a Member of the local Law Society? If not, are you sure you are not? Have you ever signed up for Social benefits from a Government organization? If so, there’s a good chance that you were asked for your Birth Certificate to do so and were inadvertently indoctrinated through the Social-contract form and then entered into a ‘Civil Society’ without full disclosure.

We are always free to leave not only an unrevealed-contract, but also free to leave a free Society at anytime without recourse or reason. For more information on the international nature of interactions of societies and it’s participants, we recommend reading The Law of Nations.

It is here within a private entity organization that we can come together as real men and real women without Statutory Civil Codes and Corporate Acts that we did not consciously and knowingly agree to be bound by. It is here within our own exclusive venue that we can make promises as a Creditor with Creditor rights and have them entered into a Security Agreement for mutual benefit under full-disclosure, unlike the military-driven banks that do not have our best interests or – the world’s best interest in their hearts. Also, unlike any other Bank or even Credit Union our private cooperative-society affords the extraordinary advantage and benefit of debt-settlement remedy.

A continuous point of contention for many is the conundrum of shedding and relinquishing one’s old public ‘skin’ and the relationships that go along with it – for their real private skin which requires one to think differently and act differently within their new relationships. It is not easy to let go of old programming and old habits that have been indoctrinated and built up in our minds over a lifetime. This transition requires support, patience, guidance, study and practice everyday. Please be patient with one another and wait for others to get to your level of knowing. Our evidence proves that less harm happens when we privately share knowledge and privately help each other through the transition.

Since Equity will not perfect an imperfect gift, an inherent fundamental basis for the formation of our Cooperative Society is derived from our inalienable birthright to congregate together as private men and women and share our knowledge with each other for the perfecting of any and all of our gifts.

Since we typically do not teach Trust Law and the basic principles of Equity to our children growing up, nor had it taught to us in PUBLIC School – we believe that by coming together in a safe environment we can begin to stop the usurpation. Stopping the usurpation starts with ourselves, we, as a Society believe it is of paramount importance that we begin transforming ourselves with this knowledge first because Equity aids the vigilant not the indolent that slumbers on their rights.

Our Cooperative Society is associated together by private contract in harmony with our Memorandum of Association. Originally established loosely on the first day of the tenth month of the year Two-thousand and fifteen this common era to allow autonomy of an independent jurisdiction – it has now been proven that that this organizational model will serve many vulnerable and disenfranchised people around the world.

How it all works together...

Remember, because of the nature and character of what this is and how the world’s systems work, in order to complete this complex process, we have broken it up into phases that require you to do preparation and organization work before you begin. This preparation work prepares you for taking action. The preparation and education phase helps you to “Get your House in Order”.

Once we have our proverbial House in Order, we are now in a position to challenge the assumptions and presumption not only in law, but those who are AT LAW! The benefits and rewards can go beyond our immediate life issues and into a new status and standing where we are highly respected and highly accommodated by international “authorities”.

Where we are…

Take notice that our private venue for functioning, corresponding and generally carrying out duties exists on unceded sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ land. We are not on the water, nor is the Society on a ship. This land has no treaty to/for/by the Crown/CROWN and the Corporate CROWN exists here without proper DeJure authority in a foreign military DeFacto-occupation. This Commercial jurisdiction is known as the bankrupt public fiction debtor as: [HER MAJESTY IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA INC., / CANADA INC.] Our Supervisory Board Members correspond from other geographical land areas known as: Australia, Canada, Jamaica, and the United States.



We began our journey in the summer of the common era Gregorian year known as: Two-thousand and fifteen after the death of the world-Covenant Trustee.

One can be referred to The People’s Cooperative Society of Equity today by an existing Member. Conferencing with and conversing with our Members about changing One’s Status & Standing, Trust-law and equity is easy – more details on this is inside the private digital venue for approved Members only.